Friday, August 6, 2010

Welcome to the World of Linda & Nicole (Frick & Frack)

Hey guys, sorry, this should've been our first post, but it wound up being our third. We were just so excited to share our bountiful knowledge and wisdom with our adoring readers. 

So here is a little introduction for you . . .

Nicole, age 17, will be a freshman this coming fall attending Middlesex County College under the Stars program (A full ride scholarship).  She is planning on majoring in business and possibly becoming a fashion merchandiser (some bullshit job). 

Linda, age 20, will be a junior at Rutgers Univeresity in the fall, majoring in Ecology & Natural Resources.  She's planning on saving all the polar bears (armpit hair braiding hippy).

These two unfortunate souls met in the winter of 07' on their way to another track practice from hell. From then on they were destined to be together.

This summer, after watching countless crappy movies and for lack of finding anything to do in their bleak little town  (where watching the grass grow is the most fun thing around) they decided to start a blog about everything and anything....and so this amazing webpage was born. 

So there you have it, our life story summed up in 2 paragraphs. 

Start Your Engines!....Or...

Do you ever reach your house while you're listening to a really good song, and you just have to finish it? The other day, we were sitting in Nicole's car, parked in the driveway... and Oops I Did it Again by Britney Spears came on the radio (so of course we couldn't shut it off).  Nicole and her cheap self didn't want to waste gas, so she shut off the car.  But then she realized she would be wasting battery power, so she turned it back on.  (She's always like this).  I had heard somewhere that turning on the ignition is more wasteful than idling, so we decided to look it up.

However, my source was wrong:

"Idling is the worst action a hypermiler (a person who takes extraordinary measures toward achieving maximum fuel efficiency in an automobile) can do. If the vehicle is running for more than 10 seconds, it makes more sense to shut the engine off and re-start it. It takes less gas and has very little effect on the performance of the car" (PoliceOne).

On the subject of the battery, it is true that leaving the car on without actually starting it drains the battery.  This all depends on the amount of time and the condition of the battery.  Leaving the car on for "a couple of minutes, or even a couple of hours (in a car with a good battery) is nothing."  However, "there is an accessory position, which does not waste battery and allows you to use the radio." (Nicole's dad, who is an experienced car dealer).

So, if you absolutely have to finish the song, shut off your car and turn the key BACK one click, so it is in the "accesory" position.  This will save gas and won't discharge your battery.  And, if you need to stop for some reason like picking up your friend , just shut off the car. This will also save more gas than leaving the car running for any period longer than ten seconds.

 (Note: Do not shut off your car while waiting at a traffic light because this can be very dangerous.)

Nicole's dad, who is an experienced car dealer.

May the force be with you,
Frick and Frack

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Better Stinky than Sorry

Lately it seems as though going "au natural" is the best way to go. Do you ever wonder what the hell all those ingredients on the back of your deodorant bottle are?  Studies have shown that the preservative, parabin, used in many household beauty products, can cause cancer.  Although the amount used in the products is small, the cumulative dose is unknown.

Here is a statement by Dr. Lisa Donofrio, an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Yale University School of Medicine, on the subject:

"So, parabins are now found across the board in beauty items — makeup, and most commonly in lotions," Donofrio said. But the problem with parabins is that they "are estrogenic, meaning they will bind to estrogen receptors [on cells], and in test-tube studies, they actually stimulate breast cancer cells," she said. Higher levels of circulating estrogens has long been a prime risk factor for breast cancer (MSNBC).

Apart from possibly causing cancer, deodorant clogs pores which may result in red, "acne-like bumps that may itch and hurt" (eHow).

So, if you (unlike Linda) can go 5 seconds sans deodorant without smelling like you just finished a triathlon, went dumpster diving to cool off, and then slept in a pile of manure, then skip it once in a while.


May be the force be with you,
Frick and Frack